24MM Low-Density Polyethylene Plug Seal Cap
- ItemNumber: C024LDPTIS
- Diameter: 24MM
- CartonDimension: (12 X 12 X 12)
- CTNS_SKD: 48
- PCS_SKD: 192,000
- PCS_CTN: 4,000
- FullCTNWeight: 13.19lbs
- FullSKDWeight: 677lbs
- Material: Low-Density Polyethylene
- ItemNumber: C024LDPTIS
- Diameter: 24MM
- CartonDimension: (12 X 12 X 12)
- CTNS_SKD: 48
- PCS_SKD: 192,000
- PCS_CTN: 4,000
- FullCTNWeight: 13.19lbs
- FullSKDWeight: 677lbs
- Material: Low-Density Polyethylene
Drawing not available
*Volumes and weights are approximate, see technical specification page or request samples to verify your fill-level volume and weight